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19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue

19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue

19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue

AGE: Mandalay Period 19th Century
HEIGHT: 39 cm
WIDTH: 30 cm
DEPTH: 17 cm
WEIGHT: 7.4 kg


19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue seated in vajrasana, with the right hand in bhumisparsa mudra, the left hand resting in the lap with the palm facing up. This Buddha statue is gilded with genuine gold leaf. A row of ruby-red glass pieces decorates the forehead from ear to ear. A double row of green glass mosaics decorates the outer edges of the robe with medallions of blue, red, and white decorating the inner edges of the robe with a row of glass mosaic medallions across the front of the base between a decorative floral pattern. The eyes are made from glass or ceramic.
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19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue
19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue
Left side view Burmese Bronze Antique Mandalay Buddha Statue
19th Century Burmese Bronze Mandalay Buddha Statue
Back view Burmese Bronze Antique Mandalay Buddha Statue
Base view Burmese Bronze Antique Buddha Statue
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