Amarapura Period Burmese Wood Buddha Statue
AGE: – 19th Century
HEIGHT: – 58cm
WIDTH: – 36cm
DEPTH: – 20cm
Amarapura Period Burmese Wood Buddha Statue with thayo lacquer decoration emphasizes the edges of the robe and the lotus petals around the front of the pedestal. Thayo lacquer is a thick resin derived from the tamarind tree. The hair curls are a little different from the majority of Burmese Buddha statues that show typically small peppercorn-size bumps, the hair curls in this statue are in beaded rows of thayo lacquer with a band of white glass mosaics decorating the forehead.
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Medallions of coloured glass mosaics decorate the edges of the robe with a Mandalay-style tiered lapel draped over both shoulders also decorated with glass mosaic mosaics. A single band of mosaics outlines the lotus petals on the pedestal.
Amayapura also referred to as Amarapura, in Sanskrit means “City of immortality”, and was once the capital of Burma (Myanmar) during the 19th century, but only for a short period of time. King Bodawpaya the ruling king at that time instigated the move to Amarapura from the then capital of Innwa in 1783, after brutally murdering his rivals, some of whom were family members. In 1823 the seat of government was again returned to Innwa briefly after which it was returned to Amarapura in 1841. The popular and much-loved King Mindon (1853-1878) made Mandalay the last capital In 1857.
Innwa is now a peaceful and tranquil area showing scant evidence of its once vibrant history. There are very few remains of the old city as the palace was moved with the help of elephants to the new locale in Mandalay. The city walls were later used for building railways and roads by the British during their occupation from 1824 – 1948.