Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue
Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue
AGE: – 18th Century – likely earlier
HEIGHT: – 74cm
WIDTH: – 29cm
DEPTH: – 20cm
WEIGHT: – 7.9 kg.
18th Century or earlier wooden Burmese Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue with thayo lacquer decorating a five lotus bud-shaped pronged crown with a large elongated usnisha with a long large carved finial. This Buddha image is seen here wearing a simple monk’s robe with hand gestures in bhumisparsa mudra, a slight curve to his narrow lips, highly arched eyebrows, and almond-shaped painted eyes. Thick upper torso and arms and slim waist.
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Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue