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Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue

Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue

AGE: – 18th Century – likely earlier
HEIGHT: – 74cm
WIDTH: – 29cm
DEPTH: – 20cm
WEIGHT: – 7.9 kg.

18th Century or earlier wooden Burmese Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue with thayo lacquer decorating a five lotus bud-shaped pronged crown with a large elongated usnisha with a long large carved finial. This Buddha image is seen here wearing a simple monk’s robe with hand gestures in bhumisparsa mudra, a slight curve to his narrow lips, highly arched eyebrows, and almond-shaped painted eyes. Thick upper torso and arms and slim waist.
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Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue
Burmese Shan Crowned Tai Yai Buddha Statue
Face View Burmese Shan Tai Yai Crowned Buddha Statue
Right side view Burmese Shan Tai Yai Buddha Statue
Side view Burmese Tai Yai Shan Crowned Buddha Statue
Back view Burmese Shan Tai Yai Crowned Buddha Statue
Base view Burmese Tai Yai Buddha Statue
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