Metal Buddhist Votive Plaque / Sukhothai Style
Metal Buddhist Votive Plaque / Sukhothai Style
AGE: – Unknown writing on the back may indicate age
CONSTRUCTION: – Bronze, brass frame gilded
HEIGHT: – Shrine: 40cm – Bronze Plaque: 31cm
WIDTH:– Shrine: 20.5cm – Bronze Plaque: 10cm
DEPTH: – Shrine: 9cm
WEIGHT:– 2.1 Kg.
Metal Buddhist Votive Plaque / Sukhothai Style depicting the image of a walking Buddha with his left hand in abhaya mudra, the gesture of fearlessness, safety and reassurance with long smooth limbs, flowing robes and broad shoulders cast in relief from a metal alloy, likely tin and lead. The metal plaque is mounted into a decorative gilded metal frame resembling the entrances and roof lines of many Thai temples. The image is surrounded by a decorative arch supported by columns decorated with flowers and vases with a two-tiered parasol above.
These votive plaques are considered to be examples of the distinctive Sukhothai style of art, which was influenced by Sri Lankan, Indian, and Khmer traditions and reflects the artistic and religious influences of the Sukhothai kingdom, which was founded in 1238 and lasted until 1438.
The Sukhothai kingdom was known for its cultural achievements and its promotion of Theravada Buddhism. The Buddha image is characterized by its elegance, grace, and refinement, as well as its fine details and naturalistic proportions. The plaque also expresses the ideal qualities of the Buddha, such as wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.
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